
Purpose Fulfilled, Inc

5 Steps to Creating Lasting Change

Published almost 4 years ago • 3 min read

Audra Bryant

5 Steps to Creating Lasting Change

When it comes to the concept of “change” or a shift of any kind there is a level of discomfort. Many times change is met with resistance and other times it is welcomed with open arms. Whatever the situation, change is also likely something that you deep down have always desired yet when it shows up it can be alarming.

If you are the type of person who welcomes change with open arms and a bouquet of roses then this post is likely not for you. This is a post for the ones who resist change or feel so uncomfortable in the process that they would rather just go back to the way things were.

We are currently in the middle of a huge shift in many many ways, our way of life, unemployment for many, changes in travel and activity level, etc. We see the protests and the masks, so if this is what we are witnessing when we look around…what must be lurking within. From a spiritual perspective, whatever you see outside of you must be happening inside of you (“As above, as below” and “As within, as without”). The energy is coming from somewhere and it’s difficult to see. I am not here to point the finger at any specific entity that could very easily be held accountable for this. I will just look at the lessons to learn.

What is done in the dark, will come to the light.

That quote is frequently used when it comes to handling a cheating mate (Lol) but it offers so much truth. “What HAS been done in the dark?” Ask yourself, what has been done in the shadows of your own life? Have you been kind to yourself? Have you been kind to others? What have you been speaking into existence? Light or Dark?

Take an Assessment

1. My thoughts about myself have been…

A. Positive and self-affirming

B. Mostly Positive and self-affirming

C. Somewhat positive and self-affirming

D. Not positive nor self-affirming

2. My thoughts about others has been:

A. All positive and affirming

B. Mostly positive and affirming

C. Somewhat positive and affirming

D. Not positive nor affirming

3. I always speak life into every situation. I have complete faith things are working together for good.

A. Always True

B. Mostly True

C. Sometimes True

D. Rarely True

E. Never True

Where do you fall in line with these questions? (No judgment)

I will say unless you selected “A” for every answer then there is a shift that is taking place to assist you in getting closer to a space of love for yourself and your neighbor, greater health, living in a state of gratitude, and inner peace. There is inner work to do if you aren’t truly living your best life and by best life, I mean a life that you feel truly suits you. A life where you are wholly happy because you are doing what you love, your possessions are just an addition to your joy and not the reason for it. You truly glow because you have disciplined yourself for a mindset of abundance, love, gratitude and you have clarity of purpose and are walking steadfastly in it. (And it feels so good!)

Spiritually speaking, when you feel good about yourself and think high vibrational thoughts you literally change the whole world as the world is a reflection of you!

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Here are some steps to assist in that change:

1. Understand That the Negative Thoughts You Think Are Not Your Own.

Your thoughts are a hodgepodge of other people’s projections onto you. Society's desires for your existence and other learned behavior. (i.e. if you have low self-esteem it may be because the world around you has said that you should look like “this” or have “that” job.) So don’t be too hard on yourself. Understand what you are dealing with.

2. Discover Who You Really Are? Determine What You Truly Desire.

3. Assess What You Need to Do to Achieve Your Goals.

Who do you need to become? What do you need to release?

4. Create Your Action Plan

5. Love Yourself Through the Process

Be patient with yourself and vibrate high through the process. Affirm yourself and have compassion for others who may not understand you. It’s ok. They may need to take their own personal journey as well.

If you would like help getting started check out my course: “All About You!” This course will help you get on the road to self-discovery and creating your plan of action today!

Bountiful Blessings to You!


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Purpose Fulfilled, Inc

Turn Your Scars Into Your Superpower!

My name is Audra Bryant and I am the Founder of Purpose Fulfilled, Inc. I am a personal empowerment coach, author and burn survivor. My story in a nutshell is that I was burned at 18 months old and I didn't look at myself in the mirror until I was 25 because I didn't want to see my scars. The emails we send are designed to encourage and empower our audience when it comes to their mental health and overall well-being.

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